Celebrate National Coffee day September 29th with the world renowned coffee from Africa. There is nothing better than jump starting your morning with a hot cup of coffee to wake you up and keep you alert and energized all day. A few eye opening facts about coffee include:

Coffee was discovered in Africa by a shepherd who realized his goats were energized and playful after eating the coffee berries and shortly realized he felt the same effects after he ate them.

African tribes combined coffee berries with fat which produced edible energy balls.

A group of monks made the first cup of coffee who brewed the berries into a drink.

Many studies have shown African coffee to have positive health benefits, such as prevention of heart disease, weight loss and reducing the risk of certain types of cancer.

Espresso has been misunderstood as a type of coffee bean, instead it is a method of brewing. Pressurized hot water is run through finely ground coffee and it often contains less caffeine than regular coffee.

Research has shown Americans consume 450 million cups of coffee a day, adding up to more than 150 billion cups a year. Seattle Washington has more coffee shops per person than any other state.

The King of England banned all coffee establishments in 1675, claiming they were dwellings where people met to scheme against him.

Coffee comes from trees which can grow up to 30feet tall, but are raised to be 10 feet tall for easy picking. Coffee is a seed inside a bright red berry and is the second most traded commodity on earth.

Green Coffee is unroasted beans with considerably less flavor than regular coffee, but is known to suppress the appetite.

Celebrate National Coffee day by Shopping at Africafe Coffee and enjoy and appreciate the amazing taste of Africafe, Africa’s finest coffee.